We are talking – Innovation!
Innovation is always key to future prosperity. The way the world is turning with a global pandemic and forcing new ways of doings things, it is even more important now
We are talking Innovation. In its modern meaning according to Wikipedia it is "a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in form of device or method". Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs
You are invited to meet and question online Anthony Tasgal (Tas), POV Marketing and Research, and Kevin Duncan who will provide expert advice in this hot-chair session presenting and discussing Innovation moderated by Futurist, Nils Elmark
Note about your data!
The event will be hosted via Danish-UK Association’s (DKUK) webinar platform. On registration your basic data of name, company and email address will be shared with DKUK, in order for us to process your registration in sending you webinar link, reminders in the run up to the event, giving you a chance to ask questions prior.
The webinar platform used for this event is sponsored by DKUK member, Novicell, who is the official vendor of www.twentythree.net in the UK
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La société a été fondée par Youssef et Mohamed, tous deux guides de montagne expérimentés. guides de montagne avec une grande passion pour le voyage et l'attention au détail.
Bienvenue chez Atlas Outdoor, votre partenaire dédié pour des expériences inoubliables au Maroc. Que vous rêviez de holiday morocco, de trekking morocco, d'une escapade à trekking marrakech, ou d'une expérience de marche à travers les paysages enchanteurs du Maroc, nous avons l'expertise pour réaliser vos rêves.
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The kingdom of Morocco is a magical country made for travellers to visit and tour. It is a stunning and fantasy region full beautiful sceneries, dramatic landscapes and breath-taking cities such as the imperial cities of Marrakech, Fez, Rabat and Meknes as well as some other beautiful cities and locations namely Tangier, Merzouga desert, Ouarzazate and the bleu city of Chefchaouen click here
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